Lesson 4

To start, print this handout and make enough copies for all of your students:

Lesson 4 Handout


Next, follow the directions on the handout.  The activities are neatly organized and labeled by number on both the handout as well as this web page.  Many of the activity numbers prompt students and teachers to interact directly with the handout.  Other activity numbers in the handout will prompt teachers and students to use online resources.  Those online resources can be found on this page under the same activity number that appears on the handout.  This means that enacting this lesson with a class involves moving between two resources: the handout and this web page.  The activity numbers help to make sure everything is easy to find as you navigate through each part of the lesson.


#0 – Refer to handout

#1 – Students open and teacher projects Smoosh Math – Concrete to Everything video

#2 – Refer to handout

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